Causes of Lifting Nails

What causes the lifting of nails on some clients and not on others? We are asked this question many times. Is there really a way to keep nails from lifting before the client comes in for her normal two to three week fill? CAUSES FOR LIFTING. Years of research has revealed that there are basic causes for nails lifting. They fall into three categories: (1) observable, (2) hidden, and (3) chemical. OBSERVABLE CAUSES. Many times the cause is tied closely to the lack of proper preparation by the Technician at the time the nails are applied. The general consensus of opinion is that No Lift Primer is the best on the market. The best products will not adhere the acrylic to the nail plate if the preparation has not been performed properly.
Natural Oils. The natural oil must be removed so that the nail has a dull finish prior to the application of the No Lift Primer.
Moist Nails. Moisture on the nails at the time the primer is applied prevents bonding in much the same manner that natural oils do.
Pterygium. The pterygium is an overgrowth of cuticle that sticks to the nail plate. It must be completely removed, or the primer cannot reach the nail plate and lifting will result.
Excess Dust. Grit can cause lifting. Remove with a duster brush, be thorough!
Nervous Habits. Caution your clients that picking and biting nails can cause lifting.
Occupational Hazards. Typing, keypunching and similar activities can cause pressure on the nails.
Misuse of Nails. Using nails as screwdrivers or other such tools is not recommended and can cause lifting.
Filing friction and heat build up by drills or files.
Diseased Nail Plate. State Licensing Boards have determined that this problem is beyond the scope of the technician's practice. Professional medical attention is required.
Heart Medications
Diuretics and too much Vitamin B-6
Medication for sugar diabetes (Insulin)
Thyroid Medications
Allergies and sensitivity to the product itself.
Bacteria in the client's system.
Contaminated primer (dust in the primer) or liquid or acrylic powder.
Smoke in the air accumulates on the nails before the product is applied.
Mixing products from two or more manufacturers which may be chemically incompatible.
Nail plate saturated with too much primer.
Household cleaning products
Lemons and Limes and other Acidic Juices.